
Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis

It has been demonstrated that Biolane (Lyophilised product from Green Lipped Mussel) significantly alleviated the severity of lameness and joint pain and improved response to joint flexion in horses with lameness attributable to OA in the fetlock. Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis P1 Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis P2 Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis P3 Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis P4 Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis P5 Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis P6 Efficacy of Biolane in horses with chronic fetlock lameness attributed to osteoarthritis P7
Related Resources
  • Biolane (Bột chiết xuất vẹm xanh)

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Raw materials, OEM and PB option at Heimat Co., Japan Ltd
APCGCT: Asia Pacific Consortium of Gene and Cell Therapy
Gene Therapy Research Institution