
A strong recommendation to take the combination of Marine Lipid and Lecithin together with Folic acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12

A strong recommendation has been raised that taking the combination of marine lipid and lecithin together with folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

Marine Lipid

The marine lipid contains omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA, which is very important for mental health. Insufficient EPA has been linked to various clinical and behavioral conditions involving mental function. These include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, violence, aggression, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These fatty acids are also associated with certain neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. A common feature of these disorders is low levels of the marine or fish oil omega-3s, EPA and DHA.


Lecithin has been proven to be an aid in rebuilding brain cells. It can improve brain and nerve function and benefit for mental health. Lecithin also helps to normalize fat metabolism.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 comprises a closely related group of compounds: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal. Vitamin B6 is required for the proper functioning of more than 60 different enzymes and plays a vital role in the multiplication of all cells. Pyridoxine is an extremely important B vitamin involved in the formation of body proteins and structural compounds, chemical transmitters in the nervous system, red blood cells, prostaglandins and mucous membranes. Vitamin B6 is critical in maintaining hormonal balance and proper immune function and is involved in the manufacture of all amino acid neurotransmitters.

Folic acid

Folic acid functions together with vitamin B12 in many body processes. It is critical to cellular division because it is necessary in DNA synthesis and without folic acid cells do not divide properly. Folic acid is essential for the development of the central nervous system of the foetus and a deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy has been linked to several birth defects including neural tube defects like spinal bifida. Despite the wide occurrence of folic acid in food, folic acid deficiency is a common vitamin deficiency in the world. The reason reflects food choice as plants are a rich source but are not frequently consumed.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found mainly in animal foods. Vitamin B12 works with folic acid in many body processes including DNA synthesis, red blood cells, and the insulation sheath (the myelin sheath) that surrounds nerves and conducts the impulse along the nerve. The stomach secretes intrinsic factor a substance required for the absorption of Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver, kidney and other body tissues. Inadequate intake affects the brain, spinal cord and the classic blood changes are pernicious anaemia.

Impaired nerve function can cause numbness, pins and needles or a burning sensation. In addition to anaemia and nervous system symptoms Vitamin B12 deficiency can result in a beefy red tongue and diarrhoea. Vitamin B12 like folic acid is a methyl donor and is involved in homocysteine metabolism and plays a critical role in energy metabolism, immune function and nerve function. Vitamin B12 and folic acid work in conjunction and as B12 works to reactivate folic acid and inadequate intake of B12 results in a folic acid deficiency only if folic acid levels are marginal. A high intake of folic acid may mask a B12 deficiency as it prevents the changes in the red blood cells but does not counteract the changes in the brain.
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  9. Obeid R, Herrmann W. Homocysteine, folic acid and vitamin B12 in relation to pre- and postnatal health aspects. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2005;43(10):1052-7. Department of Clinical Chemistry, Saarland Medical School, Homburg, Germany.
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